Pelatihan dari:

Bootcamp Ayo Jadi Guru provides structured training with a comprehensive curriculum specially designed by industry practitioners to produce skilled and job-ready teachers from various educational backgrounds. This training program is conducted intensively for 12 weeks and includes activities ranging from assessments, blended-learning training sessions, to job placements in leading private schools partnering with

In Bootcamp Ayo Jadi Guru, collaborates with Kampus Guru Cikal, an experienced institution that has been producing outstanding teachers for 20 years.


The Role of Teachers and
21st Century Education

The development of education in Indonesia is rapidly advancing, thus requiring the best teachers. The role of teachers is becoming increasingly significant, where they are not only as educators in the classroom but also as facilitators, motivators, mentors, resource persons, consultants, and other roles as per students' requirements

Join Bootcamp Ayo Jadi Guru and Acquire 21st-Century Teaching Competencies

Independent Learning Teacher

A teacher of Independent Learning; Committed to goals, self-directed in approach, and reflective in their achievements.

Equivalent to Personality Competencies & Social Competencies based on Director General's Regulation 6565.

Learning Design Teacher

A teacher that is capable of designing competency-based curricula and learning programs aligned with students' needs.

Equivalent to Professional Competencies based on Director General's Regulation 6565.

Digital-Savvy Teacher

A teacher that is capable of integrating technology, pedagogy, and subject-specific expertise into classroom instructional strategies.

Equivalent to Pedagogical Competencies based on Director General's Regulation 6565.

The Learning Process with Blended Learning Method

It's not just a regular webinar, but you can access the materials anywhere & anytime.

The Curriculum of Bootcamp Ayo Jadi Guru

Independent Learning TeacherDesigning Learning with Technology Integration
21st Century EducationBasic Numeracy Strategies for Independent Learning
Building a Culture of Independent Learning ClassroomsBasic Literacy Strategies for Independent Learning
Personal Social and Emotional LearningPrinciples of Independent Learning Assessment
Character Education of Independent LearningPerformance-Based Independent Learning Assessment
Curriculum and Future CompetenciesCommunication Skills for Teachers
Digital Integrated Learning with Design Thinking Teaching Clinic
Designing Independent LearningTeacher Career Preparation
Guiding Inquiry-Based Learning for Independent LearningCode of Ethics for Independent Learning Teachers
Effective Blended LearningIntroduction to Teacher Communities and/or Organizations
  • Tujuan Pendidikan
  • Konsep Merdeka Belajar
  • Pengembangan Diri Guru Merdeka Belajar
  • Kunci Pengembangan Guru Merdeka Belajar
  • Belajar Abad 21
  • Guru Abad 21
  • Murid Abad 21
  • Dampak 21st-Century Learner
  • Konsep Memahami Murid
  • Profil Murid
  • Pemetaan Profil Murid
  • Refleksi Pengalaman Disiplin
  • Konsep Kesepakatan Kelas
  • Kesepakatan Kelas dan Merdeka Belajar
  • Kesepakatan Kelas Daring (Online) dan Tatap Muka (Offline)
  • Memandu Kesepakatan Kelas Daring dan Tatap Muka
  • Miskonsepsi Mengembangkan Perilaku Positif
  • Sogokan dan Pujian Vs Penguatan
  • Prinsip Strategi Mengembangkan Perilaku Positif
  • Mengembangkan Perilaku Positif Untuk Merdeka Belajar
  • Pengaplikasian Strategi Memgembangkan Perilaku Positif di Kelas Merdeka Belajar
  • Pentingnya Pelibatan Orang Tua dalam Pembelajaran
  • Pelibatan Orang Tua dan Merdeka Belajar
  • Pelibatan Orangtua dalam Memahami Murid untuk Merdeka Belajar
  • Pelibatan Orangtua dalam Strategi Pembelajaran Merdeka Belajar
  • Pelibatan Orangtua dalam Refleksi Pembelajaran Merdeka Belajar
  • Membuat Rencana Tindak Lanjut Pelibatan Orangtua dalam Pembelajaran
  • Membongkar Miskonsepsi Mengenai Belajar
  • Mengenal Konsep Kompetensi
  • Pembelajaran Berbasis Kompetensi dan Merdeka Belajar
  • Cara Memahami Konsep dalam Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Berbasis Kompetensi
  • Cara Membangun Keberlanjutan dalam Pembelajaran Berbasis Kompetensi
  • Mendesain Belajar Berbasis Kompetensi
  • Konsep 5M dan Praktiknya dalam Pembelajaran
  • Memahami Kompetensi Masa Depan
  • Kanvas Rancangan Pembelajaran Merdeka Belajar
  • Konsep Design Thinking
  • Prinsip Design Thinking
  • 5 Tahap Design Thinking (empati, define, ideate, prototype, test)
  • Digital learning
  • Digital learning tools – & Wordwall
  • Digital learning tools – Canva & Quizizz
  • Dasar-dasar Blended Learning
  • Strategi Pembelajaran Blended Learning
  • Mengenal 7 Model Pembelajaran Blended Learning
  • Transformasi Pembelajaran Digital
  • Ragam Penyesuaian dalam Blended Learning
  • Miskonsepsi Formatif
  • Prinsip dan Tujuan Asesmen Formatif
  • Asesmen Formatif dan Merdeka Belajar
  • Strategi Pembelajaran dan Cakupan
  • Umpan Balik
  • Miskonsepsi Mengenai Asesmen
  • Prinsip Asesmen Berbasis Kinerja
  • Menggunakan Asesmen Merdeka Belajar Berbasis Kinerja
  • Miskonsepsi Pembelajaran Inkuiri
  • Ciri-Ciri dan Tahapan Pembelajaran Inkuiri
  • Pembelajaran Inkuiri dan Merdeka Belajar
  • Guru Sebagai Pemandu Pembelajaran Inkuiri
  • Merancang dan Memandu Pembelajaran Inkuiri
  • Membongkar Miskonsepsi Literasi
  • Hubungan Literasi dan Merdeka Belajar
  • Cara Memanusiakan Hubungan dalam Pembelajaran Literasi
  • Cara Memahami Konsep dalam Pembelajaran Literasi Pendidikan Dasar
  • Cara Membangun Keberlanjutan dalam Pembelajaran Literasi Pendidikan Dasar
  • Cara Memilih Tantangan dalam Pembelajaran Literasi Pendidikan Dasar
  • Cara Memberdayakan Konteks dalam Pembelajaran Literasi Pendidikan Dasar
  • Membuat Rencana Tindak Lanjut Pembelajaran Literasi Merdeka Belajar di Kelas
  • Miskonsepsi dan Konsep Numerasi
  • Pembelajaran Numerasi dan Merdeka Belajar
  • Cara Memanusiakan Hubungan dalam Pembelajaran Numerasi
  • Cara Memahami Konsep dalam Pembelajaran Numerasi
  • Cara Membangun Keberlanjutan dalam Pembelajaran Numerasi
  • Cara Memilih Tantangan dalam Pembelajaran Numerasi
  • Cara Memberdayakan Konteks dalam Pembelajaran Numerasi
  • Membuat Rencana Tindak Lanjut Pembelajaran Numerasi Merdeka Belajar di Kelas
  • Karakter vs. Kompetensi
  • Konsep Pembelajaran Karakter
  • Karakter Merdeka Belajar
  • RPP Karakter Merdeka Belajar
  • Pembelajaran Campuran Merdeka Belajar
  • Seni & Integrasi Seni
  • Komponen Pembelajaran Campuran pada Seni
  • Desain Kanvas Pembelajaran Campuran pada Seni
  • Blended Learning Ilmu Sosial
  • Pembelajaran Asinkronus dalam IPS
  • Pembelajaran Sinkronus dalam IPS
  • Mendesain Pembelajaran IPS dengan Kerangka TPACK
  • Aktivitas Asinkronus dalam Pembelajaran IPA
  • Tools Belajar IPA pada Aktivitas Asinkronus
  • Aktivitas Sinkronus dalam Pembelajaran IPA
  • Tools Belajar Pada Aktivitas Sinkronus
  • Rancangan Blended Learning dalam Pembelajaran IPA
  • Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Blended Learning
  • Aktivitas Inquiry dalam Blended Learning
  • Konsep Umum Communication Skills
  • Komunikasi Interpersonal
  • Presentasi di Depan Umum
  • Komunikasi Efektif Bagi Guru
  • English for Educational Setting
  • Backward Design dalam Menyusun Lesson Plan
  • Strategi Membawakan Sesi dengan Menarik
  • Menjaga dan Mendorong Anak memiliki 4C
  • Memberi Makna pada Pembelajaran via Refleksi
  • Kode Etik Guru Merdeka Belajar
  • Mengetahui Informasi Terkait Tangga Karier Guru
  • Mengetahui Persiapan yang Perlu Diperhatikan dalam Proses Seleksi Guru
  • Sukses Seleksi Administrasi
  • Sukses Seleksi Lanjutan
  • Memenangkan hati rekruiter secara tepat dengan personal branding

Schools in Partnership with Ayo Jadi Guru

“Teachers are lifelong learners who continuously strive to maintain their professionalism and dignity through self-development efforts”

Join Batch 4 now and be part of the
21st-century teacher transformation training

Bootcamp Ayo Jadi Guru

IDR 6.000.000

IDR 3.499.000

This program will be conducted over 3 months, with 24 live sessions, 3 inspiration sessions, and 6 mentoring sessions, offering a total learning experience of +- 150 hours

Payment Scheme

Full upfront payment

0% installment for 3 and 6 months

Income Share Agreement


What is an Income Sharing Agreement?

An Income Sharing Agreement (ISA) is an agreement between and participants to join the Bootcamp Ayo Jadi Guru training program. This agreement stipulates that participants will undergo an assessment and settle the payment upon obtaining employment.

What Are The Benefits
I Will Receive?

By paying only the registration fee, participants can promptly enroll in the Ayo Jadi Guru training program.

Participants can prioritize their learning journey first.

Subsequent payments will commence once participants secure employment.

There are no interest charges or additional fees associated with the installment process.

Participating in Interview/
Assessment Sessions

Participants who wish to join the Income Sharing Agreement have already undergone an interview with

Training Time Commitment

Participants under the ISA should have no other commitments during the training period. For participants currently enrolled in university, a minimum requirement is being in the 7th semester

Residing in Indonesia

Participants must be Indonesian citizens who already possess a personal ID card (KTP) and a bank account in their own name

Training Fee

Participants are obligated to pay the registration fee through the ISA. If not accepted, the registration fee will be deducted from the total cost

Registration Process

Complete the Registration Form

Participants fill out their personal information on the provided registration form.

Participate in the Selection Process

Participants will be contacted to participate in the selection process.

Program Purchase

Participants who successfully pass the selection process will purchase the program on the website.

Registration Deadline

The program registration deadline is on July 3rd, 2023.

Frequently Asked Question

Ayo Jadi Guru is a structured teacher professional preparation bootcamp aimed at preparing talents from diverse educational backgrounds to pursue a career as teachers. It offers a comprehensive learning experience that encompasses assessment and training processes.

By enrolling in Ayo Jadi Guru Bootcamp, you will gain an engaging learning experience facilitated through a diverse range of media including instructional videos and infographics that are accessible indefinitely. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to learn from experts through a total of +- 72 intensive sessions.

The bootcamp will include learning modules that cover topics such as becoming a self-directed learner, designing effective teaching methods, optimizing classroom management, and developing personal competencies in communication and instruction, and more. 

The training program spans 12 weeks, comprising activities ranging from assessments, live and on-demand learning sessions, to a final project. If you choose the Plus package, you will receive an additional 3-month career mentoring program.

Live learning sessions will be conducted from Monday to Friday, starting at 19.00-21.00 WIB, and on Saturdays from 10.00-11.00 WIB (specifically on Saturdays, the duration of mentoring will be adjusted according to participants’ needs). As for asynchronous learning (self-paced through the program), it can be customized to suit your needs.

You will receive class recordings and materials that you can access through’s Learning Management System (LMS). So, you don’t have to worry about missing out on the lessons. Additionally, you can directly ask questions to the facilitator, who is always available to answer your inquiries outside of the scheduled class hours.

You can access the learning materials through the website or our downloadable application available on the Google Play Store. Live learning sessions will be conducted through Zoom, and you can find the relevant information for the program on the Learning Management System (LMS).

Please register through the following link: click here.

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Bootcamp Ayo Jadi Guru?

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(Senin - Jumat pukul 08.00-17.00 WIB)

(Setiap hari pukul 06.00-21.00 WIB)